Inspiration, Laughter, real life, Whatever

Just when I thought I had got there!

You know the feeling don’t you? The perfect pair of trousers and just the right colour t-shirt, except the t-shirt isn’t the right size, the boots are too big!

You leave the house on time, the bus is late. You only have a £2 coin, when the parking machine takes £1 and wont give you change. You ring the shop to find out the time a certain department closes, but when you get there after making a special journey, you find its closed due to staff sickness!!!!!! Do you want to scream, oh boy oh boy , yes you do.

You have been encouraging your son to ring the kennel for his cat to stay in over Christmas, only to find they are now fully booked!

Do I sound frustrated, do I sound miffed, do I feel like hiding under the bed covers till its all finished?  I cant tell you how much I do.

Please tell me tomorrow will be better.


Why is Monday such a big day?

Its Sunday night and I’m asking myself – am I prepared for tomorrow?

Do I have clean clothes to wear? Being Mrs Disorganised, the answer is ‘possibly’.

Most importantly do I have the mindset for what I need to achieve in work next week? Do I have a positive attitude that will get me through the next 5 days? And beyond! The answer is ……yes I do! Last week was last week, this week is a new start. Same goals, different outlook.

So wish me luck. And I look forward to some renewed energy on Monday.
