Animals and birds, Family, real life

The advantage of being on the ground floor

Hubby and I are away at our favourite holiday destination.

I knew we would be in the hotel near the water, and hoped we would be on the 1st or 2nd floor, with a view across the lake. It wasn’t to be. We were at the back by the forest area.

I was disappointed! No sleeping with the blinds open, being woken in the morning by the call of the ducks and the geese. Oh well!

We’ve got this instead. An added bonus.

Animals and birds, Families, history, Home, Inspiration, Laughter, real life, Spirt and soul

36 Steps

13 steps from the street to the house,
13 from the back of the house to the garden,
10 from the garden to the lane at the back.

A treacherous journey between the grey walls of hand hewn rock,
and green moss.
Slipping and sliding over wet slabs of paving.
To the house,
to the garden,
to the lane at the back.

The outside lavvy, a cold and scary place
spiders ready to jump,
just as you settled in for your constitutional.
The cold wet chain hanging from the white porcelain tank.
Daren’t spend too long,
not even ½ pennies worth!

Ivy covered walls to the garden,
The first step too tall for little legs.
The 2nd 3rd and 4th much easier.
Then up to the top –
you felt you had already climbed the mountain!

The sloping garden, no grass
but full of plants and flowers.
A fir tree to climb
and a shed, with a coal hatch never used!
The shallow steps up to the lane.
And freedom.

Blackberries to pick
Floxgloves to wear on fingertips
Chickens to tease,
horses to feed,
paths to climb,
newts to catch,
tadpoles in jars.
And mountains to slide down on trays!

Those were the days of my youth!!!!

Animals and birds, Families, Family, Food

The highs and lows of a family holiday.

Life is the same isn’t it? Eat sleep repeat.

Broken up by some drinking, and lots of laughter! And a few disasters. The same that happen at home – so the family and individuals know how to respond.

It’s everyone who steps up to the mark and helps when you staying together. Making sure there is food for everyone. And the home is clean and tidy. Supporting the two littlest family members, through the fun times, the tears and tantrums. And yesterday the panic of a asthmatic 5 year old. But she rallied round to play another day!

Today is another adventure! We aren’t thinking of tomorrow….

Spot the mum. Watching cautiously while her offspring wanders off independently.

Animals and birds, history, Inspiration, Laughter, real life, Spirt and soul, Whatever

Something to make us smile

Today we are just a little part of history. And we need to make sure that we stay grounded to get us through the next few weeks and months.

This is a picture blog from me. Hope you enjoy some of the things that make me smile and laugh.


sentry crow

When you need someone to protect you, why not use a sentry crow!!

roe deer

Oh Deer Deer, is there enough for me to eat here?

crowds of ducks

If I stay still, they might not notice I’ve got duck food in my hand!

ducks shopping

Come on ducky, I cant see any duck seed in there!  

smiling squirrel

Any chance you have some food in there? Please? Pretty please!

greedy squirell

Might be good enough….

bottom squirrel

Gymnastics for squirrels



Animals and birds, Domestic Goddess, Families, Family, Food, Inspiration, Laughter, love, real life, Whatever, women

Who is in control?

I’m away on holiday with my other half. We are celebrating his birthday.

I love to be organised.  I need to have things in order, what I’m eating, where I go. My work needs to be arranged in advance. So when I’m on holiday I find that I’m a little out of my depth! Others are doing things for me, making my decisions. And will have had to be organised in advance, so I literally don’t have to be.

I find it a little disconcerting.

Of course I love being looked after and relish the idea that I don’t have to cook or wash up. But I have to make the bed, tidy the pillows and push the chairs back. I even wash the little cups before the cleaners come in to the room in the morning. Yes – I’m the woman who has to clean the house before the cleaner comes in – if I had a cleaner…

We are in a complex, in an apartment. That is a posh hotel room – with a little kitchen. We are overlooking a beautiful golf course, surrounded by trees. The geese fly over head to get to the lakes that surround the accommodation, and squirrels run up and down the trees finding their next meal. Of course the place is kept spotless. The cleaners wizz around on their bikes, and the maintenance people are in electric vans. They have it down to a tee.  Each villa and apartment is made with the same material and fitting so when something brakes they don’t have to work out what is needed – its all the same, so is easy to repair or replace! Brilliant, quick and efficient!

For someone who is so organised and controlling – this is the place of my dreams!

Now we are going for dinner tonight. It has taken us a few attempts to decide what restaurant we want to go to. We wrote the names of all the choices on pieces of paper, and picked the one that we were going to tonight. Please don’t tell me we are the only ones who do this. In fact I find it focuses the mind! If our first choice isn’t really the one we want to go to – we discard it and actually commit the one we want to go to!  So we are going out for a steak to the French restaurant, and if I can I will sit on the right hand side, near the window so I can watch the world go by!

Animals and birds, Food, Laughter, Uncategorized

Sleeping on the job

What do you expect! It tiring paddling around looking for food, dodging the boats. I’m up early at the crack of dawn normally, its those birds who sing the dawn chorus that wake us up.

Give it a break! The weeds in the water tickle your webs. Whew! And then the fish, swimming underneath you – is nowhere safe?

I came onto the bank to get away – and people throw bread and seeds at me! I can’t tell you how much I’d love something different. The bread – it makes me feel so bloated. I’ll never get back to my youthful figure again, those brown and yellow fluffy feathers made me look so – youthful!

Me and my bird we just want to sleep.



