Families, Family, friends, loss, love, real life

The time to say goodbye

When you’re waiting for the time to pass.
When you’re waiting for that time
When the time comes to say our goodbye.

Each hour, each minute lasts a life time.
A lifetime to look back on
To laugh and to cry, with family and friends.

A life of love and happiness
A life of work and play
And most of all, memories and stories.

The time will come all too soon.
When songs are sung and poems read.
Prays are recited, and eyes wiped.

And finally the curtains close
We must say goodbye
One last time.

Families, Family, Inspiration, loss, love, real life

How do you measure grief?

How do you measure grief?
You can’t measure it through time.
You often still feel the pain for many years.

You can’t measure it through distance.
As every step you walk in grief
feels like a mile of sadness.

Grief is never bright and shiny.
It makes everything dull and flat.
Grief makes you feel unfulfilled and useless.

Can grief be measured by Love?
The more you love,
and are loved – the more you feel grief!

And where once there was a lightness in your heart
the weight of a heart filled with grief is always heavy.

You cannot shy away from grief-
for you will never feel love.
And to never feel love will leave you empty.

You can learn to manage grief,
but the empty feeling will stay –
Until you love again.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
