anger, mental health, Uncategorized

Life without love


Those of you who live your lives,
as individuals,
as single beings.

Not connecting with others,
as family, or friends, or foe.
How sad and angry you must be.

To feel the warmth of the sun on your faces,
but never appreciate it is shared by others.

To see flowers bloom in spring,
but never see this as new life to love and cherish,
nor keep the picture in your heart to remind you of this magical event.

If hate eats away at your every cell,
and envy spins your tears into a veil of darkness
how incomplete you must feel.

Empty and devoid of any warmth.
No smile, no familiarity,
just the abyss that is your heart and your dark eyes of molten steel.



Search Continues For Construction Crew Last Seen Working Near House With Sleeping Baby

Although I do have to say that when my sons were babies, we had the music up, hovered when they were napping, laughed and sometimes shouted. Sometimes they slept, sometimes they didn’t.

The Out And Abouter

It’s been nearly 24 hours since 5 men, all residents of the Greater Toronto Area, were last seen. Their equipment lies abandoned. A Tim Horton’s cup still sits in the backhoe cup-holder. A port-a-loo door swings quietly in the breeze. It’s been checked dozen of times. No one is in there. The search continues.

“Teams are fanning out across the city,” the search co-ordinator, Sergeant Topiary, explained in a hastily summoned news conference on the street, in front of the new row of town homes the men were laying the foundation for before going missing Friday morning. “At this stage we have detection dogs, helicopters, and over a thousand officers and worried citizens on foot combing the nearby ravines, sewage tunnels, and back alleys. We are also going door-to-door, leaving no stone unturned.”

He hesitated when asked to confirm the rumour they have not yet approached the house immediately…

View original post 246 more words


Conquer Fear & Self Doubt To Achieve Your Dreams

Being positive is really important.

Jay Colby

If you are like most people, you have aspirations for a better life maybe a goal or dream you like to achieve. That goal may coincide with personal growth or maybe a dream that you always wanted to pursue. Your goal may also include going back to school, becoming an entrepreneur or starting a new workout routine. Having a goal is the easy part achieving and overcoming inner and outer doubt can truly leave you frightened past your wildest dreams and completely powerless by your own fear. Some of us spend a vast majority of time arranging our dreams, talking about them, writing about them and reading books about them preparing to act on said dream.

Sometimes our activities make us believe we’re moving in the right direction when self-doubt or fear pops up its ugly head. This is usually when what I liked to call “scaredy cat decisions” comes…

View original post 435 more words


A lucky London dog, sleeping and living on a balcony. She looks well looked after, of sorts.


If she were mine, I’d want her to be with me in case someone decided she would much rather live with them and not with me. And her lovely home gets a regular update. Blanket. Water bowls. Updated home. So lucky!

Thank you Andrew Gadd for the regular doggy updated pictures.




Laughter, Motivation, social media, Uncategorized, Whatever

A lucky pooch


How do you measure success?

I’ve had a blog now for about 2 years. I write about family, life and all sorts of things. You probably know that success on social media is measured by how many people follow you, or like your video’s, or download your songs. I think I’ve written some very nice pieces – even though I say so myself. But the oddest thing is – my best piece that more people look at more than all the rest of my work together is this piece.

500 words

A swiftly written piece about nothing really. Is it because its light hearted, and not too in-depth. Contains no politics, religion, sexual references, or anything else very much either!

Can anyone give me some feedback and tell me why please?

Families, Inspiration, Laughter, Motivation, real life, social media, Uncategorized, Whatever, women

People watching

My favourite pastime, people watching. Although I’m sure the people I’m watching, are watching me, watching them!

I could be anywhere, sitting on public transport, watching the non- communication of travellers, head phones on, phone in hand. I’m wondering that they are listening to. Listening to the newest songs on Spotify. Perhaps they are listening to the same as I am? Now that would be a coincidence! Or reading – a furtive message from a loved one, someone they didn’t want to leave in bed this morning, that little knowing smile turning up the corner of their mouth, forgetting they are on a crowded train, still imagining the duvet snuggled around their shoulders. Or the usual message about being on the bus/train, and a countdown of minutes till they get to their destination, looking up at the station sign, following the same journey day-in day-out. 16 ½ min to their station. Positioned themselves in the 3rd carriage along, in the optimum place to alight by the station exit doors, 25 pounding steps down to the entrance, one swipe of the train ticket and out into the fresh air! Or an angry message to someone who has annoyed them. You’d read that in their faces, angry eyes, scrunched up at the corner, tapping furiously on the imaginary keys on the screen. Using both thumbs to get the message across quicker. Angry, angry, angrier.

Now the coffee shop is a place for serial people watchers, you can look out of the window at the people scuttling past on their daily journey never making eye contact. That would be too much to bare, if they did, they would have to stop and buy that creamy hot liquid gold latte. No time, too much to do, can’t carry a coffee, 3 shopping bags, 1 phone and concentrate on the list in their heads. You can see them looking around, getting their bearing, wondering what shop next to go into? The concentration etched on their faces, oh why did they leave it to the last minute to get the elusive gift for the friend who is so very demanding. Or those with more time, and less shopping. Contemplating the warm drink to sustain them as they flit from shop to shop, feeling the fabric of the shirts and coats, scarves and smelling the leather of the handbags. Or is that just me? Am I the fantasy of every people watcher, as I pick up warm cotton checked shirts eyeing up the colours. Feeling the material falling through my fingers, wondering if the hues of blue and green match the newly purchased bracelet of glass and silver beads. The look of curiosity on my face imagining if the cut is too tight and figure hugging, the thought of popping buttons makes me wince and quickly hang it back on the rail. I love looking at the fittings in a shop, rough wood, and cold metal bars, or glass and sleek white wood. All a great contrast against the fluffy clothes and shiny leather. Do others look at my face as I see my reflection in the mirror, and catch the thought going through my eyes ‘ I wonder if I need to put more lipstick on, I’m looking a tad pale’ or the look of shock when I’m realising my hair is messed up after trying the wide brimmed hat on? Or is that the look I see in the faces of other shoppers on the high street?

I never make eye contact when people watching, or ‘being people watched’ if that is a new job description. The eyes are the road to the soul, why would I want someone following me down into my place of sanctity!

My favourite place to do this – the hairdressers, when they sit you on one of those lovely comfortable ‘watching’ chairs looking out of the window. You can be anonymous. A faceless person on a chair, no one will ever know who you are with a towel half covering your head. You see the couples walking past arm in arm, purposeful and determined. Groups of young people milling and laughing and joking with one another, full of hope and enthusiasm, often with the glint of young sex in their eyes. Men in suits, white shirt cuffs and sparkly cufflinks peeping out from beneath double buttoned jacket sleeves. An impossible to recycle, take away coffee cup grasped in their sweaty little hands. Imagining they look cool and trendy, when in fact they actually do! Little men with little dogs on long leads, stepping briskly around to avoid street furniture and rubbish bins.

Hungry boys, hands holding paper napkins and blue and white bags – you know the kind- filled with warm pasties, or sausage rolls, eating with enthusiasm and greed. Girls equally as greedy, munching sandwiches of salad and chicken, on brown rye bread with green leafy salad peeping out between thick crusts. Always followed by those hungry pigeons, hippedy hopping after the food…never the people, we just happen to be carrying their lunch!

The blues rinsed, cardigan wearing older ladies and gentleman, holding their green carrier bags like shields and warriors going into battle. The battle of the youths crowding the pavements, the dog leads, and the discarded coffee cups. Who will win? Maybe them, but more likely to be the young families in mismatched colours, young who have dressed themselves in favourite wellies and summer coats, beany hats with bobbles, stripes and dragon tails swinging down their backs. They will win the pavement war. Buggies like tanks, pushing their way through the hordes of shoppers.

And cars parked on yellow lines, tucked away at the end of parking bays. Drivers furtively waiting to be pounced on by traffic wardens, enviously watching parking meters ready to swallow up shiny coins and click and clack so that they can park without fear nearer to the shops. Not everyone is successful in shopping and parking!

You see why people watching is a skill to be practiced whenever possible? You will never know how much fun it gives. Time and again.
