Inspiration, Laughter, love, mental health, real life, social media, Spirt and soul, Whatever, Writing

The Wordsmith


The Wordsmith is a solitary bird

Imagination jumping from rock to boulder

Sadness to sunshine

Reflecting and refracting.

A colourful imagination

And maybe a darker soul.

A quick wit with a slow burn.

Seeing things other see

But in a different language.


How many of us hide a Wordsmith in our heart?


Thinking, writing, re-writing

Paper, scraps or brightly coloured pages.

And pens or stubbly pencils

Or a simple keyboard.

The end is nigh and peace comes.

The jumbled thoughts march,

March in lines across the page.

Uniform only in colour, no rhythm

No rhyme, or regimented and lilting.


Written in private, written for reading

Written for The Wordsmith, or the extended Family.

Does it matter?

It takes two!

The humble Wordsmith and the reader

Read with passion and tears and laughter.

The reader putting soul into the bones of the words.


Enjoy – go forth and share,

Or keep privately in your heart and your head

And in your note book with flowers on the pages.



Food, Inspiration, Laughter, real life, Whatever, Writing

Good evening – and welcome.

I know this will be the first of many conversations we will have, I hope someone out in reality land will be reading this blog..I’m not in the habit of talking to myself!

Don’t expect a literary masterpiece. Well, not in the first few weeks till I get warmed up at least.

I love food, the healthy stuff, the 5 a day good old regular stuff. Sprinkled with some guilt inducing naughtiness. I love fashion, words of wisdom, animals – so pop along see what I can come up.
